Catholicism 101: Incarnation

St. Athanasius famously said, regarding the Incarnation, that, “God became man, so that man might become…

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change…

Veni, Veni, Emmanuel

The season of Advent is ever increasingly overlooked, as the mad dash to the mall replaces…

Brighton Church Vandalized

Last month, Our Lady of the Presentation Church on Washington Street in Brighton was vandalized according…

Pro-Abortion Protests in Buenos Aires Turn Violent; Attempt to Vandalize Cathedral

Violent outbreaks and inflammatory statements marked this year’s Gathering of Women on November 24 in Argentina.…

Saint of the Issue: Nicholas of Myra

Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century bishop known for his secret gift giving. Due to the number…

“Christmas on the Heights” Sells Out Three Shows

On December 6, 7, and 8, the University Chorale of Boston College and Boston College Symphony…

Campus Music Minister Shares Christmas Spirit in Music and Reflection

This month’s Agape Latte event, sponsored by BC’s Church in the 21st Century Center and Campus…