Rediscovering Christ: A Thank You

When Peter Watkins asked me to write another Faith Feature for the final issue of the Torch for this academic year, I felt burdened to live up to my last article. For those who didn’t have the opportunity to read it, it discussed the importance of prayer, iconography, and faith in the possibility of Christ performing miracles. I would highly recommend reading it, as it is of extremely high quality, in my humble opinion. For this faith feature, however, I wasn’t sure what else to talk about. That is until I had the opportunity to visit Arizona over the western Easter break. My parents and I visited my aunt in Scottsdale, and I had the opportunity to go on a two-hour hike on Sunday afternoon. As someone who wasn’t celebrating Easter like the vast majority of my friends, I attended an Antiochian Orthodox Church in the morning for our Second Sunday of Lent. I decided to explore this hike with my aunt and parents, which quickly became just my aunt and me, and then just me for large portions of the adventure. No music. No distractions. Just myself and God’s creation. I hiked to the top and looked out at the landscape. My phone even died after I asked my aunt to take some photos of me, so I had no connection to the outside world for the next two hours on the descent. It connected me closer to God and my faith. I kept thinking of the Bible Verse, “I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. The beginning and the end” (Rev 22:13). I also had time to reflect on my own relationship with Christ. It made me reflect not only on that Sunday, not on the past year but all of my nearly twenty-three years of life on this earth.

For twenty-two years I grew up in the Orthodox faith, attending Divine Liturgy every Sunday through High School, but uncommitted to the faith outside of the few hours every Sunday morning. I was the equivalent of what some Catholics might call a “cradle Catholic,” that is, someone who is Orthodox just because their parents told them they were and thus they didn’t have a choice. This all changed when I joined the Sons of St. Patrick at Boston College. I attended that first meeting on Marian Devotions unclear of what that term even meant, and even more unsure of my faith. I believed in Christ as King and Savior, but I didn’t actively embody His message daily. I learned the importance of growing your relationship with Christ outside of the Church setting and the importance of daily prayer and fasting. 


Ever since that meeting in November of 2022, my faith has been completely transformed. I pray every morning and evening, and actively read both scripture and the Church Fathers. Even though my best friends are Catholic, they have accepted me wholeheartedly and set a Christ-like example for me as to how to actively seek out a true relationship with God. I now finish my undergraduate studies and will pursue my MA in history at Boston College next year. The relationships I have formed with members of the young men and women’s societies at Boston College are something I am eternally grateful for, and I would not be close to the devout man I am today without their encouragement, support, and love for Christ. I cannot thank everyone, but I would like to mention a few people, who dramatically impacted my religious life here at Boston College, and without whom I’m not sure where I would be.

To Joe, from our first conversations about politics and our mutual friend Nick to our shared trips to Seminary Mass every Sunday in full suits, trench coats, and mafia hats. There aren’t enough words to describe the impact you’ve had on my life.

To Matt, from our shared love of rendezvouses in Stokes, fictional lore, and constant discussions with Father Gallagher, to you being the one who told me to come to Sons in November of 2022, you are the catalyst for this transformation.

To Nicholas, although we only grew close this year, what a year it has been. From Sons of Scorsese to our firefighting adventures, to our willingness to love even those who continue to hurt us. You introduced me to a larger group of Sons and GP beyond just my core friends, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 

To Pritchett and Marcello, you guys were the leaders of Sons when I first arrived and welcomed me with open arms even as an Orthodox. You actively had me attend events even when I didn’t feel comfortable, such as the Valentine’s Day Dinner, Week of Fire, or Knights of Columbus.

To Lincoln, Luke, Colin, Alex, Jackson, & Miles, you guys are largely tied together as “the Fratican” but it is so much more than that. Lincoln, I really didn’t know you until this past January, when we both went into Prof. Polt’s course. I could stop there because there are enough stories for a lifetime but from your willingness to let me rant about red flags, to texting me asking how I’m doing, to your extremely kind note after Easter Break with your family. My only regret is that you aren’t coming back next year. To Luke, my fellow baseball bat enthusiast and lover of the Mob. I couldn’t imagine that our small PLC group would turn into such a great friendship, and the weekly meetings on Monday & Wednesday at 4:22 PM in Stokes are the highlight of the week. I’m proud to be your technology assistant. To Colin, another person I only met this January after he came back from Ireland, but the first time I met you, was when you wanted to go out with us. That was enough for me to know you are a real one, and was only furthered by our escapades in Arizona in March. Alex, from finding out you were Greek, to our love of BC Hockey (Jacob Fowler), to your attempts to teach me ice skating, I hope you know how much it means to me. To Jackson, our interactions have been brief since you’re abroad, but you reaching out to my sister in Scotland, tells me all I need to know. Anyone who is a friend of Mary Markis is simultaneously a friend of mine, and I cannot wait for you to return next fall and hear the lore. To Miles, you were featured in my past Torch Article, and for your prayers, religious support, and friendship I’m eternally grateful. You also encouraged me to come to Bible Studies on Wednesdays, and I continue to grow stronger in the faith because of that.

To Chuck and Colin, another relationship that is just in its infancy, but it has been an eventful few months. From our discussions of how to better spend money to our shared interest in hockey, I cannot wait for RA training with both of you next August.

To Gabby and Francesca, damage control has been a constant theme this year, and you will both need to be on standby next year as I am likely to cause more drama and carnage in my wake again. 

To Catherine, saying you had a major impact on my faith is an understatement. You dragged me to Candlelight and 8 am Mass and encouraged me to deepen my own knowledge of the faith. Our shared love of St. Demetrios and the Seventh Ecumenical Council are just the beginning, but I wouldn’t love Christ in the same way if I didn’t see the example you constantly set. I hope you know the religious impact you’ve had on me.

To Mallory, it started out as study partners last fall and only went up from there. Now you are someone I can discuss any drama I have and the library to Lansdowne pipeline is a great time. You better come visit next year and I’ll make sure to keep CLC in line as well.

To Magali, my spy inside the mailroom and Voute. You are also a great #RAonDuty partner, and our shared love of Lincoln Park and JD is always a great conversation. We are 100% the most dedicated 8 am Mass attendees.

To Peter, you allowed me to write for the Torch, and although at times I might have published heresy (“two true faiths”), I appreciate you allowing me to discuss my faith and love of Christ in this forum. I look forward to writing more next year. 

To Fr. McNellis, Thank you for all you have done for me over the last year by welcoming me into Sons. It has saved my life and restored my relationship with Christ, something that was suffering immensely in the years prior. I owe an eternal debt of gratitude to you and the impact you’ve had on my life. It’s greater than you realize!

I’m now approaching my word count but would like to mention Clare, Kory, Michael Bramblett, Anthony, Emma, Liana, Will, Kai, Christos, Eric, Andreas, Kate, Andrew, and countless others. I am eternally grateful to all the people who have shared their love of Christ with me.

James Markis
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