Red Bandana Triumph

The Eagles woke up on game day, Saturday, September 21, to gray clouds and rain dripping down their windows. Nonetheless, in typical BC spirit, hordes of students decked out in maroon tops and red bandanas (and ponchos) worn in every possible style trooped out with their friends to the mod lot and arrived extra early in Alumni for the 8pm kickoff.

The annual Red Bandana game is dedicated in honor of Welles Crowther (Boston College Class of ‘99) who heroically gave his life to save nearly 20 people during the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the South Tower. Welles was known for his signature red bandana, a childhood gift from his father, which he used as a mask during his rescues up and down the smoky and debris-ridden WTC stairwells. “For Welles” is printed on each football player’s uniform as well as on every BC-distributed Red Bandana, hundreds of which can be seen tucked into students’ backpacks and dorms year-round.


This weekend, the excitement during tailgating and in the sold-out stadium was even more palpable than usual, given the Eagles’ successful season start with wins against Florida State and Duquesne, resulting in a brief #24 ranking. Coming off the tough loss against Missouri the previous weekend, hopes were high for the Michigan State matchup.

Boston College received the ball to open the game, but were quickly forced to punt to the Spartans who scored a field goal on their drive. BC’s offense continued to struggle until the second quarter, when they pulled off a rushing touchdown by Turbo Richards yet missed the extra point. 

Michigan soon bounced back with a touchdown of their own, bringing their lead to 13-6 for the half. The Eagles came out of halftime with a fortunate fumble recovery, but the Spartan defense only allowed for a field goal. Soon after, BC scored their second touchdown of the night for a 16-13 lead, but the gap was closed shortly after by a field goal from Michigan kicker Jonathan Kim to tie the game. 

BC fans who stuck it out in the soaked and slippery bleachers were treated to an intense fourth quarter, during which the Eagles were heartbreakingly stopped on the one-yard line to deny a score. It seemed nearly hopeless when MSU kicked their last field goal to lead 19-16; with less than a minute and a half left in the game the student section was desperate for BC to take their final chance at a successful drive, or else leave the night a loss. 

Their prayers were answered when Tommy Castellanos connected with Lewis Bond on a deep pass down the middle for a gripping 42-yard touchdown to secure the victory.

After the clock was run down and the game declared in Boston College’s favor, a stampede of fans rushed the field to celebrate with the players and rehash all their favorite chants and songs (cue Mr. Brightside). It was certainly a night to remember and many students say it was one of the best football games they’ve ever attended at BC. Best of luck to the Eagles going forward on their 2024 season path. For Welles!

Liana Winans
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