Fighting with God

One story in Scripture that I am surprised more people are not shocked by is how…

“Call No Man Happy Until He is Dead”

The first time I heard part of Carl Orff’s O Fortuna, I must have been three or…

Marana Tha and The Three Comings of Christ

The Aramaic term Marana tha (or Maranatha) occurs only once in the New Testament, in 1 Cor. 16:22. It…

No Mercy Without Justice

Over the Easter season, we are often reminded of the great beauty of the fact that…

Cornerstone: On Almsgiving

During Lent, Christians are called to intensify their penance, which chiefly includes fasting, prayer, and almsgiving.…

“The LORD Is a Warrior, the LORD Is His Name”

Exodus 15:1-18 is one of the most fascinating texts in the Bible. For one, there is…

Another Response to WMSCOG: A Little Knowledge Is a Dangerous Thing

The Torch was recently contacted by a former member of the World Mission Society Church of God,…

“They Saw God, and They Ate and Drank”

Exodus 24 is not among the parts of the Bible that most Christians are familiar with.…

Countering Modalism

While talking about Trinitarian theology in one of my classes, the professor shared that a concerning…

Extreme Humility

Imagine that you wake up tomorrow and cannot recognize where you are. You look around frantically…