Eastern Christianity and the Lesson to be Learned from Serious Liturgy

The summit of Christian worship, as recognized for centuries, is the sacred liturgy; it is the…

Why Catholics Can Get Married Young

Last month my fiancée Katherine mentioned our engagement to her logic professor, and she replied “you’re…

Who Needs Men?

Who needs men? Although this may sound like a rhetorical question, I am truly seeking to…

The Usus Antiquior: The Flaw in Benedict’s Vision of the Roman Rite

In the year of our Lord, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI authored the highly influential Motu Proprio,…

To Those Jesuits to Whom This Applies

This article is not at all against the Jesuits proper, but it is against a certain…

All Roads Lead to Rome

What’s the use in learning a dead language? This question, and others similar to it, is…

On Kneeling and Reception on the Tongue

“We invite you to remain standing, as you are able, from the beginning of the Eucharistic…

An Open Response to “A Better Place”

In the Gospel of John, a woman is accused of adultery. The people of her town…

It’s Not Heresy: The Church’s Future Depends on Inclusivity

The February 2022 article “Heresy: Like History or Math?” reproves the integrity of BC’s Theology Department…

My Catholic Education

Looking back on my high school experience, I’d like to reflect on two gifts my Catholic…