Mass from the Third-Person Perspective

Few colleges give students the chance to see priests spilling off of a stage, but that…

Mass of the Holy Spirit Sets Campus Aflame

On September 8, Boston College continued the centuries-old Jesuit tradition of beginning the academic year with…

Doves, Pigeons, and Seeing the Spirit in All Things

“Cada mañana, la gente encuentra tantas palomas aqui en la iglesia,” said our guide with a…

Catholicism 101: Mass of the Holy Spirit

On Thursday, September 10, the Boston College community celebrated the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit.…

Didymus and Dolly

Last year, I was sitting in a class taught by one of my favorite professors, but…

Father Scott Brodeur Discusses St. Paul’s Teachings on Charisms

On Thursday, April 10, Father Scott Brodeur, S.J., a professor at the Gregorian University in Rome,…