Land O’ Lakes Turns Fifty

On October 11, many prominent figures in Catholic higher education met to discuss the legacy, effects,…

“Ever to Excel” Plan Will Strengthen Catholic Identity

At University Convocation on August 30th, Boston College announced a new ten-year strategic plan. The new…

Becoming More Human

May 1st: Decision Day. Around the country this week, thousands of high school seniors will commit…

Advice from Jerry York

On Wednesday April 19, coach Jerry York spoke to a room of BC students about the…

In Defense of Service Learning

What is service learning and why must it be defended? Many have come to view service…

At Agape Latte, Wesner Speaks of “A God of Surprises”

After walking out of his BC interview in Carney Hall during his senior year of high…

Sanctifying Our Studies

The most concrete reality of our lives as students at a university like Boston College is…

Catholicism 101: Mass of the Holy Spirit

On Thursday, September 10, the Boston College community celebrated the annual Mass of the Holy Spirit.…

Cassidy and Mike Discuss Policy, Faith, and Catholic Identity

Due to the inclement weather, elections for next year’s president and vice president of UGBC will…

A Jesuit at Oxford

A graduate of the Boston College Class of 1971, T. Frank Kennedy, SJ is a professor…