The Struggle of Transition

I vividly remember my first day of Kindergarten. I tried to act tough, but I was…

On the Challenge to Love our Enemies

I have long suspected that most Christians who say they want to love their enemies really…

Not a Thing to be Grasped

The Feast of the Annunciation always compels me to give some thought to Our Lord’s Incarnation.…

Extra, Extra: The Best News in the World

Everywhere we look, there’s news. Televised broadcasts, online articles, nicely printed papers like this one—countless voices…

“Are You the One Who Is to Come, or Should We Look for Another?”

I find the Gospel reading for Gaudete Sunday to be particularly fascinating. If you follow along…

Christ’s Tomb Uncovered for the First Time in Centuries

The limestone bed that, according to tradition, Christ’s body lay on in his tomb was uncovered…

Evidence for the Resurrection?

Back in September, Bishop Robert Barron released an article on Word on Fire about the lack of…

A Meal with Jesus

One morning this past week, as I was eating breakfast and listening to a podcast of…

Joseph, the Foster Father of Christ

Most of what is known of Joseph, the foster father of Christ, emanates from the Gospels…

9 Things on Which Justin Bieber and Jesus Agree

Justin Bieber’s comeback has been unique; perhaps most famously for his inclusion of his faith as…