95 Theses Turn 500

In the early morning of October 31, 1517, one brave man nailed 95 arguments to a…

Christian Duty in Secular Society, According to Luther and Bonhoeffer

On Friday, March 21, the Dean’s Office of the College of Arts and Sciences, the Office…

Protestant Perspective: Luther’s Legacy in Western Christianity

If someone was to ask me what Luther’s legacy in Western Christianity is, that person would…

Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God

The most famous sermon of the Great Awakening, the most famous in the career of Jonathan…

Protestant Perspective: What Hath Wittenberg to Do With Rome?

That title may indeed be strange and its answer, no doubt, will strike some as self-evident.…

Protestant Perspective: When the Reformation Started (Sort of…)

With the feast of the Reformation quickly approaching for those like me, I think it would…