Sufficit Tibi Gratia Mea

The inspiration for a “Holy Hour,” one hour of prayer spent in the presence of the…

Community and Prayer

As I look back on the development of my faith over the last four years, one…

Praying Through Holy Thursday

Most Catholics know that Holy Thursday is the beginning of the Paschal Triduum and one of…

The Dogma and Devotion of Divine Filiation

“Pray then like this: Our Father…” (Mt. 6:9) M. Eugene Boylan writes that “the proper foundation…

Saint of the Issue: Teresa of Avila

On October 15, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Teresa of Avila, Doctor of the…

Life is Hard, But Thank God There’s Help

Christianity is not about having a smooth journey through life. If you are a Christian primarily…

A God Who Is Enough

In high school, I thought there was never enough. I always wanted more: more success, more…

Sunday, a Day of Rest and Prayer

It can be so easy to view Church laws as simply arbitrary restrictions, and this is…

Hands of Prayer: Explaining the Priest’s Gestures

It is easy to overlook many of the priest’s gestures during the Holy Sacrifice of the…

Eternal Birth Through Decay

It is so easy to lose the courage to love, knowing that everything one cares about…