Boisi Center Experts Discuss US-Vatican Relations

On Friday, February 26, the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life hosted a virtual…

Catholic Judge Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed to Supreme Court

From October 12-15, the United States Senate Judiciary Committee conducted hearings considering the nomination of Judge…

Parkland Shooting Shocks Nation

This February 14, Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday, Nikolas Cruz walked into Marjory Douglass High School…

#TrumpTweets: The Use and Abuse of Media

At this moment, you’re one Google search away from Donald Trump’s eight-year Twitter history—a corpus composed…

University, Church Condemn DACA Decision

The Trump administration’s decision early this month to end the DACA program has faced widespread criticism…

Santa Clara County Opens Sanctuary Churches

In the midst of increasing tension over Trump’s immigration directives, cities such as New York City,…

On the Challenge to Love our Enemies

I have long suspected that most Christians who say they want to love their enemies really…

Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch Undergoes Confirmation Hearings

Beginning on March 20, the Senate Judiciary started confirmation hearings for Neil Gorsuch, a judge on…

AHCA Pulled from Voting in House of Representatives

Following campaign promises to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Donald Trump—in conjunction…

Trump Pivots Towards Pro-Life Movement

On February 11, demonstrators protested the federal funding of Planned Parenthood at 220 rallies in 45…