Campus Ministry Liturgies Heal and Inspire

Escaping the summer heat and entering through the oversized wooden doors of St. Ignatius Church, incoming…

Suspicious Fires Damage Theology Department, Gasson Hall

On Saturday, November 9, at approximately 9:45pm, Boston College police received reports of small fires in…

BC Professor and Former President of Ireland: Collegiality and Church Leadership

On November 7, 2013, Mary McAleese, former president of Ireland and a canon lawyer, engaged in…

Decreases in Religious Life Prompt Possible Canon Law Reform

At a conference regarding “vocational perseverance” hosted at the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome on October…

Catholic and Orthodox Theologians Jointly Ask for an End to Christian Repression in the Middle East

The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation Conference, a group of theologians assigned by the Canonical Orthodox…

Most Rev. Joseph E. Kurtz becomes President of USCCB

The Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky, Joseph E. Kurtz, has been chosen to succeed Timothy Cardinal Dolan…

Devil’s Advocate: The Great Equalizers

Death is a word everyone shudders at the thought of, yet isn’t too comfortable speaking about…

Liturgy: The Feasts of Hallowmas

The Western Church ends October and begins November with the Hallowmas Triduum, three days in which…

The Vatican Releases Statement on Gatherings Related to Medjugorje

Earlier this month, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) released a statement on…

Pope Francis Brings Attention to the Global Issue of Human Trafficking

Pope Francis held a Vatican workshop on November 2-3 called “Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery.”…