Lost in the Chaos: Immanence, Despair, and False Hopes of the Age

On Thursday, March 14, Dr. R.J. Snell delivered a lecture at the Lonergan Institute entitled “Lost…

Satire: New Faith Found in BC’s Most Beloved Icon

Joseph, CSOM ’25, recounts his first religious experience at Boston College.   “Freshman year I was having…

ChatGPT at Boston College, an AI Self Examines

On March 21, 2023, the Torch Staff conducted an interview with ChatGPT on its use in…

Panelists Discuss the Crisis in Venezuela

What began as a recession in Venezuela has resulted in the worst economic crisis in the…

Saint of the Issue: St. Francis of Assisi

October 4 is a widely observed Catholic holiday that celebrates the life, generosity, and kindness of…

Saint of the Issue: St. Teresa of Kolkata

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier,” was…

Selected Sites from a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

by Brian Grab and Prof. Sarah Byers “Who would believe what we have heard” and seen?…

The Three Books

Kenneth J. Hughes, S.J. is a visiting spiritual director at Boston College. He is a member…

Joy Moore: Positive Impact of Jesuit Ideals

On Tuesday, March 18, Agape Latte hosted their monthly event, which featured Boston College alumnus Joy…

BC Splash Seeks Passionate Volunteers

Free your calendars on Sunday, April 6 and volunteer through Boston College’s Splash for the unique…