Guidepost: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)


I have memories of elementary school recesses spent lying in the grass with friends, daydreaming about childhood crushes, and picking petals off wild daisies while chanting, “he loves me…he loves me not.” We entertained ourselves with this game until we picked every flower we could find or pulled off the last flower petal accompanied by the coveted “he loves me!

With time, we outgrew that silly game and learned that true love is not ruled by chance or the whims of our imaginations. I have to admit, though, there are still times today when I am just as foolish when I think about God’s love for me. I earned a good grade on a test, God loves me. I did not get the job offer, God loves me not. I got a great housing pick-time, God loves me. I lose a close friend, God loves me not. I feel like I am right where I am supposed to be, God loves me. I made a decision that I now regret, God loves me not.

I find myself in this uncertain mindset, wondering if God’s love for me wavers with life’s ups and downs—because it is easy to feel God’s love in the moments of joy and success and doubt Him in the face of pain and failure. God’s love is not a game, though, and His love does not disappear with the easy tug of a flower petal. It is God’s endless love that will carry us through the inevitable moments of heartache, adversity, failure, loneliness, and despair; and we should find comfort in knowing that there is absolutely nothing we can do that will make God love us any less. Because when it comes to God, the petals always fall the same, “he loves me…he loves me…he loves me!

Lord, You are the greatest source of love in my life. Never let me forget that Your love is unconditional, unwavering, and unfailing in all times and circumstances. I love You, too, always.


Nikki Elliott
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