Veritas Forum Discusses the Seeming Contradiction of God and Science

On April 20, students sat in Merkert 127 for the Veritas Forum, a seminar that challenges…

The Power of Gratitude

“I’m done. I don’t want to deal with this anymore. I want to just walk away…

Call Me Francis

This past month, Netflix released a four-part biographical miniseries chronicling the life Pope Francis. Produced by…

Expectations vs. Reality: Divine Mercy Sunday

The Catholic Church is good at celebrating. After the seemingly-endless forty days of Lent, there comes…

Rev. Marcel Uwineza Preaches Forgiveness in the Face of Evil at Agape Latte

We learn from the Gospel of John that harnessing hatred towards others is harmful to ourselves:…

Learning to Love

One night a few weeks ago, I sat on my bed, talking to my roommate until…

The Promise: Movie Review

The Promise, a film directed by Terry George and starring Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, and…

On Weed, Dryer Sheets, and “Eerie Chants”

In the early hours of April 16, Mr. Jeff Maples visited St. Nektarios Orthodox Church in…

On the Challenge to Love our Enemies

I have long suspected that most Christians who say they want to love their enemies really…

Praying Through the Paschal Triduum

What exactly is the tradition we Catholics call the Easter Triduum? The Paschal Triduum is at…