Sister Jean: The 98-Year-Old Nun Turned Face of March Madness

Every March millions of people, diehard college basketball fans and casual onlookers alike, tune in to…

The Promise: Movie Review

The Promise, a film directed by Terry George and starring Oscar Isaac, Charlotte Le Bon, and…

How Lent is Celebrated Around the World

When you think of the Lenten season in the United States, a few traditions come to…

What Neil Gorsuch Could Mean for the Supreme Court

On January 31, 2017, President Donald J. Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch, a judge of the United…

“Religion of Sports” by Tom Brady Set to Air

On November 15, a new TV show, “Religion of Sports,” aired on the Audience Network. The…

Pros or Priesthood: An Interview with BC’s Quarterback Patrick Towles

“God gave me the ability to play so I think it’s my responsibility to play as…

Arrests Continue in Turkey in Aftermath of Coup

Since the attempted coup in Turkey this past July, the Turkish government has cracked down on…

Why We All Can’t Stop Singing Along to “Hamilton”

I’m sure almost all of you have either heard the soundtrack to the hit Broadway musical,…

New F.D.A Rule Increases Access to Abortion Pill

On Wednesday, March 30, the Food and Drug Administration approved new, more relaxed guidelines for mifepristone,…

Supreme Court Hears Little Sisters of the Poor Case

On March 23, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Zubik v. Burwell, more commonly…