Why is Evil Evil?

The problem of evil is well-known to most Christians today. In fact, you have likely heard…

Ireland to Vote on Legalization of Abortion

In 1983, the Irish electorate voted in favor of the 8th Amendment which reads, “The State…

Pange Lingua Gloriosi

On Holy Thursday, as the altar is stripped and the Blessed Sacrament is moved out of…

Pope Francis Celebrates 5 Years as Pope

On March 1, Pope Francis celebrated the five-year anniversary of his election to the papacy. With…

Patrick Downes: A True Man for Others

On March 19, Patrick Downes addressed a packed Yawkey Function Room for the Ignatian Society’s inaugural…

Tensions Rise in Jerusalem

On March 7, Israel passed a law giving the Minister of the Interior the power to…

Ireland’s Exile

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and his feast is a yearly excuse to…

A Holy Week of Hope

I get weird looks sometimes when I say that Palm Sunday is my favorite day of…