Letting Go

I have often thought that Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the Risen Christ in John 20:11-18 was…

A Holy Week of Hope

I get weird looks sometimes when I say that Palm Sunday is my favorite day of…

Living Authentically

We happen again upon my faith formation classroom in the basement of St. Ignatius Church in…

For the Gift of Rain Drops

In a fashion typical of Boston, another rain storm gripped the city, resulting in a 36º…

The Importance of “Thank You” Notes

After a cumulative 41 days of music over the course of the last four years, I…

The Patron Saints of Intentionality

While most Boston College students are just rolling out of bed, I have the great fortune…

A Reflection for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

Death finds you no matter where you are, no matter how inconvenient the timing may be,…