Coronavirus Spreads, U.S. and Vatican Respond

In December, a new respiratory disease called ‘Coronavirus Disease 2019’ (COVID-19) broke out in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The Vatican has responded by sending protective masks to China.

COVID-19 is a new affliction, but it belongs to the greater coronavirus family, of which the diseases are transmitted to humans from cats, bats, camels, and cows. COVID-19, however, has been rapidly spread since the initial outbreak through human interaction that includes coughing, sneezing, and standing within a six-foot vicinity of an infected person for an extended length of time.


Chinese officials claim that the outbreak started as a result of a seafood and live animal market in the city that brought individuals into close contact with infected animals.

The most common symptoms of the disease, according to the American Medical Association, include fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Some infected patients have also experienced muscle pain, difficulty breathing, and nausea.

There have been about 75,000 reported cases of COVID-19 in China, 35 in the U.S., and over 425 infections in South Korea.

There has been a reported total of 2,361 deaths connected to the disease, the vast majority in China, which has already far surpassed the 774 fatalities from the SARS epidemic of 2003.

The United States federal government is coordinating with state, local and other officials along with public health associates to diminish the threat of the outbreak. Revised American policies, that include banning foreign nationals who have been in China since late January from coming to the U.S. and travel advisories for Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, have been in effect since February 2nd.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States will grant $100 million in aid to assist China and other countries struggling to contain and alleviate COVID-19 and its’ effects.

“This commitment––along with hundreds of millions generously donated by the American private sector––demonstrates strong U.S. leadership in response to the outbreak,” Pompeo said in a statement on February 7.

The Vatican also responded to the outbreak by sending over 600,000 protective masks to China in January.

“The masks are destined to the provinces of Hubei, Zhejiang and Fujia,” the Vatican’s press office stated to Catholic News Service. “It is a joint initiative of the Office of Papal Charities and the Chinese Church in Italy, in collaboration with the Vatican pharmacy.”

The masks were purchased by the Vatican and Chinese Christian communities situated in Italy. They were delivered with free shipment courtesy of China Southern Airlines.

Father Vincenzo Han Duo, vice-rector of Rome’s Pontifical Urbanian College, is spearheading the effort with the assistance of papal almoner Cardinal Konrad Karjewski.

“I hope the supplies could reach where they are needed as soon as possible so that people who are suffering the disease could feel the concern from the Holy See,” Father Han Duo told the Chinese newspaper: The Global Times. “The whole world is standing together to fight the virus.”

Pope Francis spoke about COVID-19 on January 26 during his Sunday Angelus address in St. Peter’s Square.

“I wish to be close to and pray for the people who are sick because of the virus that has spread through China,” the pontiff said. “May the Lord welcome the dead into his peace, comfort families and sustain the great commitment by the Chinese community that has already been put in place to combat the epidemic.”

Max Montana
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One thought on “Coronavirus Spreads, U.S. and Vatican Respond

  1. Eucharistic celebration – through the power of precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ will heal the world from the attack of COVID-19.

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