Catholic Clubs Modify Activities in Response to Pandemic

by Olivia Colombo, David O’Neill, and Alex Wasilkoff

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unique challenges to club activities at Boston College. Catholic clubs are working to respond to the pandemic while maintaining their strong sense of community and faith. Liturgies are modified, and some events are online, but the strong desire to be men and women for others, for the Greater Glory of God, is evident in each club’s response. For those interested in getting involved with Catholic life this semester, The Torch has compiled a brief list of different offerings with contact information:


Christian Life Communities (CLC)

CLC, a small-group-based ecumenical Campus Ministry program, is still running in-person meetings. The groups are kept to under 10 people and are being held in larger rooms to account for social distancing. For those who are not on campus or not able or comfortable attending a group in-person, there are virtual groups being held. Regardless of setting, the group is still committed to fostering authentic conversations and building friendships.

Contact: Campus Minister Christine Cichello,, or sign up at

Gratia Plena

Affectionately known as GP, this women’s Catholic group is carrying on with its usual Thursday 7 p.m. meetings.  Still gathering to pray, grow in devotion to the Blessed Mother, and learn about the faith, the women of GP are meeting outside or virtually in the case of inclement weather. They consistently offer a virtual option for all meetings for those who are unable or choose not to attend in person. 

Contact: Annemarie Arnold, MCAS ‘21,

Ignatian Society

The Ignatian Society is a group dedicated to promoting Ignatian spirituality among graduates from Jesuit high schools and across the wider BC campus. They are hosting in-person physically distant outdoor Ignatian Examens on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 9:45 p.m. at Manresa House. Pre-registration via the Campus Ministry weekly email updates is required to attend this reflective prayer experience. 

Contact: Campus Minister Ryan Heffernan,

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a men’s service organization committed to faith in action. They are committed to the principles of charity, fraternity, unity, and patriotism. This semester they are hosting both in person and virtual events.

Contact: Harry Eppers, CSOM ‘21, 

Liturgy Arts Group (LAG)

LAG, the division of Campus Ministry which provides music for BC’s liturgies, has met particular obstacles given the Archdiocese of Boston’s restrictions on music: only one cantor, no choir, no woodwind instruments, and no congregational singing. 

Members of LAG have been divided into “LAG Family” small groups to check-in and bond with each other weekly throughout the semester. Once a month, they plan to gather virtually for “Chapel Chats” with other members of each of the three chapels.  Their annual retreat will happen for one day on campus, operating with the LAG family system.

Taize, another LAG ministry joined with CLC, just started up again during Espresso Your Faith Week. It will now be held on Wednesdays at 8 pm in St. Joe’s Chapel. Praise & Worship Adoration, a LAG-adjacent activity, is suspended for the time being.  Silent adoration will start up soon. 

Contact: Campus Minister & LAG Director Meyer Chambers,

Sons of St. Patrick

The Sons of St. Patrick are a Catholic men’s group committed to building fraternity and living the Faith together. The Sons are continuing their tradition of Thursday night meetings. Join them at 7 p.m. on Thursdays in St. Joseph’s Chapel for physically distanced Evening Prayer and discussion on the Faith.  

Contact: Gerard DeAngelis, CSOM ‘21,

St. Thomas More Society

The St. Thomas More Society is a student organization dedicated to promoting the rich heritage of the Catholic faith on campus. It will be hosting its series of lectures on the Faith and related topics online. Join them on Zoom at 7 p.m. Monday nights. There will also be a related virtual book study of Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques Philippe. 

Contact: Tom Sarrouf LSOED ‘21,

Una Voce Latin Mass Society

Physically distanced Masses in the Extraordinary Form continue this semester on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. and on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. Join Una Voce in St. Joseph’s Chapel to worship the Lord with traditional liturgy. 

Contact: Matt O’Keefe MCAS’21 ,

The Torch

If you are reading this line, you now know that The Torch, the independent Catholic student newspaper at Boston College, is publishing online and in person each month this semester. We are always looking for more students interested in writing, copy-editing, helping with layout, website design, and social media management. We are meeting via Zoom on Tuesday evenings, but writers are not required to attend meetings.

Contact: Alex Wasilkoff, MCAS ‘21,

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