Trust the Promise

Without a doubt, I am sure you have all heard the common aphorism, “Trust the process.” Yet, there seems to be something lacking here, some facet of the truth that is eclipsed. I would suggest it is what we are “trusting” in that seems to fall short in some way. 

“The Process” as it is so called seems so transient and fickle, in my mind it doesn’t seem to have a substantial reality to it. There is no lasting or incorruptible process, person, or temporal reality, by nature all of these change. Meaning at any moment, the process, a friend, or any element of our daily lives that provides us with stability can change, leaving us lost and confused. 


Some may be perplexed by my ungenerous view of such a harmless phrase as “trust the process,” but at its heart there is a deep lie that necessitates an examination and correction of the truth. Recognizing that as humans trust is a necessary element of true joy, peace, and love in relationship leads us to the understanding that what we place our trust in is a matter of extreme importance. 

It seems to be a very personal form of trial and error that leads us to discover that far too often our trust is betrayed, more specifically that the people or the things that we place our deepest trust in fall short, time and time again. We feel as if we have built our lives on shifting sands rather than on strong lasting rock. The discovery of this highlights the fact that we place our trust and peace in almost every person and everything apart from God. 

Trust. Trust is something good and true that is essential to the growth of Godly relationships, so why is it that the ideal is so often in contrast with the reality? It’s simple, we as humans are broken, imperfect, and corruptible, but Jesus Christ is PERFECT! Both Completely Human and Completely Divine, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). But, why does this matter?

It is reflective of the truth that Christ will never disappoint us, He is the one person who has the capacity to love us in the way that we desire and need to be loved when we enter into a relationship with Him. We come to understand that Christ IS the TRUEST reality that exists—as the line from Hebrews 6:10-20 suggests, “When God made the promise to Abraham, since He had no one greater by whom to swear, he swore by Himself.”  

God is the Creator by which all things Come into being. So when he says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11), why do we not trust him? The source of all being and truth rests in God; so why are we so hesitant to place our complete trust in what he has promised us?

 There are so many moments in the past and even now where I see myself placing my trust in the transient and fickle things of this world instead of God. Yet, when I am reminded of Christ’s permanence, promises and his incorruptibility, meaning his perpetual state of completeness that does not change, God grants me the grace to entrust my heart and my life to Him. Therein I have found a peace that I have been unable to replicate or discover by any other means. This correction of the truth has saved me from so much worry and anxiety that I felt compelled to share in the hope that you too may discover the freedom that true, complete trust in God inspires. 

So now I must ask you on behalf of Christ, do you trust Him? Give it a try, offer him something small that is causing you to worry or fear and He will transform your heart. Only in Christ can anyone find true peace and I pray that this may start you on your way. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you, take care of everything!

Julia Danehy
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