Keeping in Touch

I am definitely not the best when it comes to messages. I have countless unread emails, I get back to some texts days after receiving them, and even this very article is being done at the last minute. If there’s one thing I have learned from this problem, it’s that keeping connected with people is difficult when you don’t keep in touch.

I am trying to improve this bad habit, but I’ve noticed that “keeping in touch” can apply to faith just as much as our personal relationships. In fact, our relationship with God is something that we must maintain with our own effort. We can do this in many ways and many people will provide unique ways to strengthen our relationship with God. However, I believe that there is a very simple way to do this and it can be found in daily Mass.


My middle school was unconventional when compared to most other Catholic schools. I went to Saint Paul’s Choir School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Besides the musical aspect of the school, I had the joy of attending Mass almost every day. Having this opportunity shaped my faith in an invisible but powerful way. Even for me as an eleven year old, what seemed strange at first quickly became just a normal part of my life. Being there with Christ in the Eucharist that often makes it almost impossible to not be formed and changed. If it had not been for those daily Masses, I don’t think my faith would be where it is now.

When I went to high school, I lost this opportunity and it was noticeable. It is difficult when you build up a relationship with someone over such a long period of time and then suddenly only get to meet every once in a while. At the same time, this is a good feeling to have in your faith life. If you have built up such a strong relationship with God that you begin to miss Christ in the Eucharist, you will have all the more encouragement to keep coming back.

There is no better place to find daily Mass than on a Catholic campus. We have daily Masses available to us in the morning, afternoon, and night throughout the week, right next to our dorms. All we have to do is make time and walk in. God wants to be with you even more than your friends. If you can make time for your friends, you can find time for God.

Now that the year is coming to an end, we all know the feeling of parting ways and missing our friends. I hope that I can keep in touch with my friends over the summer, especially those I won’t see for a while. If you know that feeling, remember your relationship with God needs to be maintained as well. Answer your texts and check your emails. God is reaching out to you and all you have to do is answer back and keep in touch.

James O'Donovan
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