Every Moment Is the Summation of Choices

We seniors receive our diplomas from Boston College in four weeks; I am in sheer gratitude.…

Confessions of a Catholic Dater

In my experience, dating advice for Catholic women has come from one of two categories. From…

“Make Yourself an Ark”: A Lenten Reflection on Noah

The span of forty days appears throughout the Bible. Twice Moses remains on Mount Sinai for…

Overcoming Pride: C.S. Lewis, Two Sons, and Several Vegetables

I grew up on VeggieTales, which is more educationally stimulating than “theological produce” may sound. Somewhere…

This Lent, Women Deserve Better than the Self-Love Lie

My 16 years-of-Catholic-school, prayer-fasting-and-almsgiving-engraved-to-my-prefrontal-cortex mind was taken aback when I saw a graphic online reading, This…