Mary, Co-Redemptrix, and Her Perfect Cooperation

What do you think of when you hear Mary referred to as “Co-Redemptrix”? This particular title…

The Intersection of the Secular and the Sacred in Fifteenth Century Music

On Thursday, October 21, the Jesuit Community and the Music Department welcomed members of the BC…

Prayer: The Angelus

The bells booming from Gasson Hall ring across campus every day from 8 AM to 8…

A Reflection for the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

Death finds you no matter where you are, no matter how inconvenient the timing may be,…

Extra, Extra: The Best News in the World

Everywhere we look, there’s news. Televised broadcasts, online articles, nicely printed papers like this one—countless voices…

The Rosary and the Rhythm of Life

If somebody says a task will take about twenty minutes, most of us won’t consider that…

The Immaculate Conception and a Yes that Saved the World

In the middle of the Advent season, we are in a process of patient, or often…

Mother of the Poor

In the Catholic Church, there is a whole branch of theology called Mariology that deals with…

Pro-Life: Incarnation

As far as unplanned pregnancies go, the Virgin Mary holds the trump card of surprise pregnancy…

Gentle Woman: Some Reflections on Our Mother Mary

Every now and again when I’m walking the cobblestone streets of Rome, I’ll run into the…