Why is Evil Evil?

The problem of evil is well-known to most Christians today. In fact, you have likely heard…

A Holy Week of Hope

I get weird looks sometimes when I say that Palm Sunday is my favorite day of…

Praying Through the Paschal Triduum

What exactly is the tradition we Catholics call the Easter Triduum? The Paschal Triduum is at…

Cornerstone: Easter in the Western and Eastern Churches

Although I am Greek Orthodox, I often find myself attending Catholic Mass. Whether it be through…

“Lord of the Powers:”

As the Eastern Church is now fully enveloped in Lent and the Western Church just celebrated…

Continuing the Spiritual Journey of Lent

Many of us have spent the last forty days in the midst of a perpetual struggle:…

Exchanging Easter Gifts

Father Peter Folan is a native of Massapequa Park on Long Island. Fr. Folan attended the…

Easter Triduum at the Vatican

According to ancient Christian practice Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil make up one single…

Pontifical Liturgies of Triduum and Easter

The Easter Triduum is a three-day period of preparation for Easter, beginning on the evening of…

The Call to Joy

They say that April showers bring May flowers. But when April blizzards bring an unending 40…