Friendship: What, Why, and How

By Adriana Watkins and Jeffrey Lindholm “Friendship,” C. S. Lewis writes. “Is born at the moment…

The Importance of “Thank You” Notes

After a cumulative 41 days of music over the course of the last four years, I…

“My Life is Mine”

Scrolling through Facebook recently, I came across a video of a famous actor, who—speaking about their…

If Naturalism is True, Religion Should Not be Blamed for Suffering

One of the chief complaints against religion is that it has been the cause of tremendous…

Faith in Action: Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice

Before I attended the Ignatian Family Teach-In in Washington D.C., I had never given much thought…

Talents and Investments

It can be a fun exercise to look back on how I used to process certain…

Fr. James Martin Outlines Ideas for Inclusion

On Sunday, November 12, Fr. James Martin, S.J., visited St. Ignatius Parish to lecture on methods…

Panelists Discuss the Crisis in Venezuela

What began as a recession in Venezuela has resulted in the worst economic crisis in the…

The Beauty Of Being A Woman

Recently in a Bible study I attend, we had some time to express what we are…

Vatican Holds Conference on Human Trafficking

Though it is impossible to procure exact numbers (most estimates range between 25 and 46 million),…